Applications via open calls for Membership or Partnership in ERNs by the European Commission
Full Member (M)
Endorsed by the national authorities in their resident Member State, the Healthcare Provider (HCP) has to fulfil the minimal competency criteria for at least one ERN-LUNG Core Network (disease group). Upon review and approval of the application by the ERN Board of Member States, the HCP becomes a Full Member of ERN-LUNG. This grants the HCP voting rights as well as member access to the Clinical Patient Management System (CPMS).
Affiliated Partner (AP)
Proposed and endorsed by the national authorities in their resident Member State, the Healthcare Provider (HCP) does not necessarily have to fulfil the minimum competency criteria of the ERN-LUNG Core Network of interest, but they should be reference centers with recognized expertise in the field. Upon review and approval of the application by ERN-LUNG, the HCP becomes an Affiliated Partner of the network. This grants the HCP member access to CPMS but no voting rights.
Applications directly via ERN-LUNG
Member of Core Network (MoCN)
Doctors or Care Team Members (CTM) of HCPs who are Full Members (M) of ERN-LUNG can apply to become Members of a specific Core Network (MoCN) as long as they fulfil the minimal competency criteria of that CN. After being endorsed and approved by the CN, the doctor or CTM is eligible for one vote per HCP per CN and member access to CPMS.
Supporting Member (SM)
Doctors or Care Team Members (CTM) of HCPs who are NOT Full Members (M) of ERN-LUNG can apply to become Supporting Members (SM) of a specific Core Network (CN) as long as they fulfil the minimal competency criteria of that CN. After being endorsed and approved by the CN, the doctor or CTM is eligible for guest access to CPMS but no voting rights.
Supporting Partner (SP)
Doctors or Care Team Members (CTM) of HCPs who are NOT Full Members (M) of ERN-LUNG can apply to become Supporting Partners (SP) of a specific Core Network (CN) even if they do NOT fulfil the minimal competency criteria of that CN. After being endorsed and approved by the CN, the doctor or CTM is eligible for guest access to CPMS but no voting rights.
Corresponding Partner (CP)
Healthcare Providers (HCPs) or Doctors or Care Team Members (CTM) can apply to become Corresponding Partners (CP) of a specific Core Network (CN) even if they do NOT fulfil the minimal competency criteria of that CN. After being endorsed and approved by the Network Coordination Team, the CP is eligible for guest access to CPMS but no voting rights.